國立高雄師範大學 |
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日本教育見習及教育實習課程之反思與展望 |
丘愛鈴 國立高雄師範大學 教育學系 教授 水野治久 國立大阪教育大學 學校教育講座教授 臺灣教育評論月刊(2017) |
國立陽明交通大學 |
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Renaissance of field placement in Taiwan's teacher education: Designing two-stage professional development in an overseas practicum for preservice teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching (SSCI), 49, 85-103. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2022.2053358 |
陳鏗任 國立陽明交通大學 教育研究所 副教授 Chen, Ken-Zen, Tseng, Ching-Yu, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2022) |
2 | Negotiating, (re)forming, and creating identity: An observation of students at a Taiwanese overseas school in China. Education Journal (TSSCI), 49(2), 161-190. https://www.hkier.cuhk.edu.hk/journal/document/EJ/EJ_V49N2_161-190.pdf | Chen, Ken-Zen, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2021). |
3 | Creating a Community of Inquiry for Pre-service Teachers' Professional Development Through Cloud Platforms. Paper presented at the CAERDA 2019 International Conference, Toronto, Canada. | Tseng, Ching-Yu, & Chen, Ken-Zen (2019, Apr.) |
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The effectiveness of pre-service teacher’s internship in Taiwanese oversea schools: An innovative case. Poster session presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) 2017 Focal Meeting, Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong University of Education. |
Chen, Ken-Zen, Zeng, Jin-Yu, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2017, Nov.) |
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運用協作平台加強師資生教學省思之可行性討論。 |
曾靜瑜(2017), |
6 | 以探究社群觀點分析線上協作平台推動職前教師以探究社群觀點分析線上協作平台推動職前教師教學共備之效果教學共備之效果 |
國立臺灣師範大學 |
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106年 國立臺灣師範大學資優教育泰國見習計畫_師資生 吳怡瑄(Yi-Hsuan, Wu) |
國立屏東大學 |
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111年見樹又見林:芬蘭幼兒教育初探 計畫主持人:劉豫鳳(Yvonne Yu-Feng Liu) |